Predator Prey Relationship of Hydrocynusforskalii (Cuvier 1819) in White Nile Reservoir around Kosti and Eljabalain Area
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Published: 21 October 2019 | Article Type :Abstract
The objective of the present study is to determine the food composition, feeding behavior and establish predator prey relationship of Hydrocynus for skalii. The study area is southern part of White Nile reservoir in area around Kosti and Eljabalain. About 200 specimens of fish were collected from landing site. Some morphometric characteristic related to feeding behavior was measured. The stomachs dissected, the contents were analysis and the stomachs and intestine dimension were also measured. The result of morphometric of mouth gape, eye diameter, stomach length and intestine length are important for prey predator interaction. The stomach content analysis showed 61% of content are identifiable out of which 23.4% are Alestes species, 30.9% other species, 20% crustacean's manly shrimp and insect larvae 25.5%. On the other hand H. forskalii in size range (41-60) cm are carnivorous. while in the range of (10-30) are almost crustaceans and insect larvae eaten and in range of (31-40) have a wide range of feeding habits and behavior. Thus it does not have a specific food depend on it and this positively revealed good opportunity to survive.
Keywords: Predator, Prey, Stomach contents, Hydrocynusforskalii, White Nile.

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How to Cite
Elsadig Arbab Hagar. (2019-10-21). "Predator Prey Relationship of Hydrocynusforskalii (Cuvier 1819) in White Nile Reservoir around Kosti and Eljabalain Area." *Volume 2*, 4, 1-6